Sunday, December 28, 2008

PP's words of wisdom

Lets say I become famous one day and people start looking for pick up lines from me - so just planning for the future :) And be assured these are my creation.. no plagiarism here. To be updated regularly by PP
  1. You cant be a good leader if you feel that its lonely at top
  2. When you think about your past and feel what a fool you have been, it means you have evolved into a better person
  3. There are three ways you can be famous - you have a Godfather, you have a rich father or you have God by your side
  4. Whats common in a discussion between two guys and between two girls? - A major part of both the discussions is bound to be focused on girls
  5. I am the smartest - because only I am smart enough to understand how smart I am!
  6. Imagination gives you options - reality doesn't
  7. Being single gives you happiness.. being double gives you wisdom
  8. Life is not as simple as maths.. being double doesn't double your happiness and being triple doesn't merely triple your happiness
  9. Genius and stupid people are similar - They have unlimited opportunity to show their talent