Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another passing thought

From Dark Knight once again - "Sometimes truth isn't good enough. Sometimes people deserve more - Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded"

Monday, August 4, 2008

The battle within

I had to pen this down before I went to sleep. The thought that I had to write this blog entry gave me the motivation to drive back home from office.
Today was an emotionally draining day at work. I had extreme mood swings at office. I was excited when I reached office. I thought I had something to look forward to. By the time the day ended, all my expectations had once again disappeared into thin air. Every passing day at office is making my life miserable. I feel like a rudderless boat who doesn't know which way to head. I can feel a big vacuum inside me. For the last one year I have been used as a shuttle and been thrown around without any purpose. People who joined the organization way after I joined have been able to figure out their role. But even after over an year, I am not sure what is expected out of me. I have convinced myself to give one last honest shot towards redeeming myself . This might just be the last throw of dice for me. An unfavourable spin will force me to move on in search of some other opportunity, one that will provide me with an even playing field vis-a-vis others.

Lazy weekend

A really lazy weekend comes to an end. The only eventful thing that happened over the weekend was the freak accident that I met with. Siby was driving me to the barber on his bike and as usual we were talking girls - that too twins! So committed was Siby to the discussion that he failed to notice the car stationed infront of him. A truely freak accident while driving at below 20 kph. And soon some concerned people turned up to give their expert comments on how we should have applied brake at the right time. Luckily both of us escaped unhurt, though the bike had to be taken to a dentist.
Other activities for this weekend involved watching a really boring match of cricket between two extremely boring and aged teams, and watching poor Massa's potential win disapper into thin air (or should I say thick smoke).
In short, one of the most boring weekends in a long long time - Yawn

Friday, August 1, 2008

Cycle of mistrust

I was looking for a picture over internet that could capture my current emotional state when I came across the picture shown belowI think I am trapped in one similar cycle in my professional life and need to come out of it at the earliest.
One gyan statement before I round off.. There is nothing that is right or wrong in black and white.. it is as much right or as much wrong as you consider it to be. And whatever you feel make sure to voice it. Not many people do that for the fear of unknown