Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Dark Night

I once owned a house along the sea
It felt like a dream too good to be
Built it I had over the months and years
Sweating it through all that I could bear

I whispered in everyone’s ears without being shy
That I had found my roof till the moment I die
It surely had to be the one of its kind
For no where could you ever such a house find

I felt I had nothing to fear I must have been blind
Alas I never saw coming what the heaven had in mind
One fateful night from the sea came the tides so high
Break through my house they did under the midnight sky

As the morning dawned I saw the orange sphere
Laughing from the eastern horizon at my despair
For once I owned a house along the sea
And now it seems like a dream too good to be


LitmusTest said...


BB :-) said...

Good composition. Waiting for more !! :-)

Unknown said...

good good
Mayank PAthak

Dips said...

This is good. Hard to believe that you wrote it :-)
Time to build another house so that you can write another verse!!!

Garima said...

Hope you are fine. Please forgive me.