Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Living my dream

So how does it feel to be able to do things that you always wanted to do. To be able to spend time and money in the way you want to, to do things that you feel like and not what others want you to do, to be able to put your phone on silent mode and throw it in some corner of your house, to be able to make your house unfathomably dirty and not worry about cleaning it anytime soon - Quite liberating I must say - As my engineering day friends know and my school and post grad friends don't, Badminton is the biggest passion that I have ever had. So much so that I have ended up playing Badminton till 5 am in the morning on exam days during Engineering and thus proudly flunked exams.
A reprise of the good old time, I have been pursuing this passion again since the last 6 months. And I am loving every bit of it. Just bought my 2nd racket - A Victor SW 35 to go with my Nanospeed 9900. Cant wait to get to the Badminton court and bash the shuttle around with my new racket - Just like back in engineering days - The difference - I couldn't have thought of spending 10 grands on a new racket back then - that too twice over - No wonder I am living my dream and not feeling guilty about it :)


BB :-) said...

Very good post :-) & continue living your dream (passion).

Unknown said...

Copy cat!!!

Unknown said...

btw i love the pic with the post ...

ShelleyS said...

The pics u choose for ur blog are very apt and refreshing :)
Like them loads :))

Pranab Prakash said...

@ BB - :)

@ JQ - I know you would love the pic - your pengu avatar came to my mind when I selected this pic

@ SS - Thanks :) As they say a picture conveys a thousand words

Dips said...

Hey bhagwan, kabhi to sudhar jao. I dont think you have ever felt guilty about spending money! BTW I am jealous - would love to have a day in which I can throw away the phone and be alone and not feel guilty about the thought!!
waise yeh 10 grand kis currency ka hai?

Pranab Prakash said...

@ Pandeji - Now you know why you couldnt reach me on my birthday :)