Sunday, December 28, 2008

PP's words of wisdom

Lets say I become famous one day and people start looking for pick up lines from me - so just planning for the future :) And be assured these are my creation.. no plagiarism here. To be updated regularly by PP
  1. You cant be a good leader if you feel that its lonely at top
  2. When you think about your past and feel what a fool you have been, it means you have evolved into a better person
  3. There are three ways you can be famous - you have a Godfather, you have a rich father or you have God by your side
  4. Whats common in a discussion between two guys and between two girls? - A major part of both the discussions is bound to be focused on girls
  5. I am the smartest - because only I am smart enough to understand how smart I am!
  6. Imagination gives you options - reality doesn't
  7. Being single gives you happiness.. being double gives you wisdom
  8. Life is not as simple as maths.. being double doesn't double your happiness and being triple doesn't merely triple your happiness
  9. Genius and stupid people are similar - They have unlimited opportunity to show their talent

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

A dream in my eye
Not an effort too shy
To make a mark I had hoped
To conquer the world I had conjured

But then my feet froze in the cold
As unfolding before me was the story of old
I saw coming true the lurid reality I always dread
Lost on me was the path I had hoped to tread

The pain pinches me no end
My efforts are no better than castles of sand
Alas it was never about how hard I work
For never was it possible to be noticed in the dark

God give me the strength to stand
Another day to live another fight to withstand
For I still have a dream in my eye
And I don’t want to be an effort too shy

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another passing thought

From Dark Knight once again - "Sometimes truth isn't good enough. Sometimes people deserve more - Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded"

Monday, August 4, 2008

The battle within

I had to pen this down before I went to sleep. The thought that I had to write this blog entry gave me the motivation to drive back home from office.
Today was an emotionally draining day at work. I had extreme mood swings at office. I was excited when I reached office. I thought I had something to look forward to. By the time the day ended, all my expectations had once again disappeared into thin air. Every passing day at office is making my life miserable. I feel like a rudderless boat who doesn't know which way to head. I can feel a big vacuum inside me. For the last one year I have been used as a shuttle and been thrown around without any purpose. People who joined the organization way after I joined have been able to figure out their role. But even after over an year, I am not sure what is expected out of me. I have convinced myself to give one last honest shot towards redeeming myself . This might just be the last throw of dice for me. An unfavourable spin will force me to move on in search of some other opportunity, one that will provide me with an even playing field vis-a-vis others.

Lazy weekend

A really lazy weekend comes to an end. The only eventful thing that happened over the weekend was the freak accident that I met with. Siby was driving me to the barber on his bike and as usual we were talking girls - that too twins! So committed was Siby to the discussion that he failed to notice the car stationed infront of him. A truely freak accident while driving at below 20 kph. And soon some concerned people turned up to give their expert comments on how we should have applied brake at the right time. Luckily both of us escaped unhurt, though the bike had to be taken to a dentist.
Other activities for this weekend involved watching a really boring match of cricket between two extremely boring and aged teams, and watching poor Massa's potential win disapper into thin air (or should I say thick smoke).
In short, one of the most boring weekends in a long long time - Yawn

Friday, August 1, 2008

Cycle of mistrust

I was looking for a picture over internet that could capture my current emotional state when I came across the picture shown belowI think I am trapped in one similar cycle in my professional life and need to come out of it at the earliest.
One gyan statement before I round off.. There is nothing that is right or wrong in black and white.. it is as much right or as much wrong as you consider it to be. And whatever you feel make sure to voice it. Not many people do that for the fear of unknown

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Random thought

As I watched "Dark Knight" for the second time in one week, one thing clearly got registered in my mind - "Life is not about becoming a hero. Its about knowing whats right and doing it"

The sense of unfullfillment

Life is not as simple as maths is what I have learnt over the past few months. 1 and 1 very rarely add up to be 2. You can do all that is within your control yet find that not everything in your life is the way it ought to be.
My life is fast turning out to be a story of unfulfilled dreams and wishes. A guy going steady in life and earning a decent living shouldn't have too many reasons to be dis-satisfied with life. But life has its own way of playing tricks on you when you expect them the least. All of a sudden I find my life in a mess. Is there anything that I could have done better? May be not. Just that I could have accounted for some unpredictability in my life. All along I thought I knew people around me very well only to find that human beings are so unpredictable that many a times they don't understand themselves, leave alone others. May be thats the reason why on occasions people act in a manner extremely contrary to others expectations. There are way too many variables in life to predict anything. And thats why I say maths is a little easier. In maths you know what the variables are. Life unfortunately doesn't give you that liberty

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Badminton after a long time

Finally I got to lay my hands on the badminton racquet once again. Felt good. Over 2 years now since I last played the game. Never knew hitting a toss to the back court could be this difficult. Old age man - I tell you - makes your life miserable. Now that I have resumed playing the game, hope to be a regular. Reminds me of my good old engineering days when I used to play badminton for hours together - even on the night before my 1st semester Physics end-sems. For the sake of record - I flunked the paper

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mumbai - Here I come

A bolt from the blue. Vishal called me up today and asked me to accompany him to Mumbai for some official work. This is the best part of my job - it literally takes me places. I was in Chennai a week back. Now I will be going to Mumbai. I simply love this travelling part of my job!
Well another day of my life has disappered into thin air and a few more wrinkles have registered on my face. A line on my day - It was better than yesterday. Work kept me busy throughout the day and didnt give the liberty to crib. Now thats real sad - you do some shitty work and dont even get the time to crib!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Another day...wasted

Like so many other days, 8th July 2008 goes down as another day of my professional life - royally wasted.

My worklife is so predictable. No new opportunities no new news. Work to me is confined to formatting documents and powerpoint presentations. I have been hoping and praying that my boss finds something challenging and exciting for me. Seems I dont inspire much confidence in him. I cant think of any other reason to justify the fact that my team members keep on getting work that allows them to increase their horizon of learning while I get to work on all seemingly innocuous and repeatative tasks.

Theodore Roosevelt once famously said "Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing". The last part of the line definitely doesnt hold good for me.

A new beginning

People do change, and change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains at dawn, and it comes like the stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass. Things have changed in the past one year and how. A new beginning it is for me. And a new blog symbolizing a new perception of reality.